Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 57: Kitchen Reorganization & Weigh-In

Okay, I really was going to write the post about healthy eating a Target Field that I mentioned last week. I wasn't lying. It just didn't happen. But I really have been productive in the last two weeks! See, here's proof:

I have had Spring Fever: Organizing Edition. At home. Ignore my cube at work. So, this is the first big chunk of my kitchen reorganization project. I'm thinking of doing an entire blog entry on it some day soon. I'm pretty proud of the idea and how I came up with it.

Week 8 Weigh-in Results
Last week's cumulative total: -13.5
This week's total: -1.5
Total weight loss: -15.0

I thought I'd be a half pound down, maybe a full pound if I was really lucky. Turns out, like the Twins, I did better than expected. I didn't expect the Boys of Summer to be at .500 at all this season, (let alone occasionally above it), and I didn't expect to lose the same amount I gained last week. So, we're still int he game. Yahoo!


  1. Yahoo! Wanna come organize here? ;-)

  2. Keep up the good work Paula! I enjoy following your progress. Hope you are well.
