Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 50: 2 Goals & Weigh-In Day

So...this is going to be brief and unexciting. But, hang on for later in the week. I'll be posting about how to eat healthy at Target Field in a few days. :) And, my posts will return to being more exciting soon, I promise. Just couldn't hack it tonight.

Goal #1: Change my sleeping habits
After going to Opening Day at Target Field on Monday, I decided I need to work on my sleeping habits.  So, I'm making an early-to-be goal. 11:00 PM hopefully, 11:30 PM definitely, at least for the weekdays. Right now, I'm averaging 1:00 PM, so this would be a huge improvement. I made it last night (well, it was before midnight!), and already today I was much more focused at work. This also means prioritizing and planning better...part of why tonight is short & unexciting.

Goal #2: Lose 1/2 as many pounds as the Twins win this year
I do some of my best thinking during AquaFit. I realized today that I'm setting myself up for failure if I try to match the Twins' wins in my pounds lost. So, I'm now shooting for half of that. I'll have a new nifty graph next week. I'm being optimistic, and I'm making my goal 40 and the Twins' 80. Here's hoping we both make it!

Week 7 Weigh-in Results
Last week's cumulative total: -15.0
This week's total: +1.5
Total weight loss: -13.5

Well, the Twins didn't win, and neither did I this week. I was too busy to work out (excuses, excuses), and talked myself into justifying quite a few bad habits most days in the last week. But, I'm back on track today and I am confident I'll be down, even if it's just a little bit, when I post next week.


  1. You can do with God's grace! Keep at it Paula we're cheering for you!

    1. Thanks so much, Angie! That means a lot! I've been enjoying your latest Kieler Environs posts. :)

  2. Keep with it Paula! We all have those weeks. My current goal for the month is 'simple' self discipline in various areas of my life. Turns out it can be so challenging and I'm only on Day 3. I'm with Angie, cheering for you!

    1. Thanks, Karin! I really appreciate it. Good for you on working on self-discipline in simple ways. I think that's key to many of the challenges, struggles, and temptations that people face.

  3. :) you are already doing amazingly Paula! -Beth

    1. Thanks so much, Beth! I so much appreciate your support!
